Tuesday, October 27, 2020

The Prayer of the Undefeatable Warrior

Can you stand in your sorrow without needing to flee to the crushing business of doing something? Can you say what your wisdom knows needs to be said even when you disappoint those who listen? And angers those who disagree. Can you walk that path that few of the crowd wish to walk and still know joy, peace and freedom? Free of the need to fit in. And please the majority. Can you risk being hated, in order to be respected? And eventually followed. Can you be in the world yet free of the pull to be wedded to it, able to know the pleasures of the solitude, silence and stillness of the wilderness? Open to embracing the beauty of tiny graces and savoring the joys of the ordinary. Can you grasp for your higher visions, see what few see and march strongly in the direction of your truest dreams and still be serene should you fail? And welcoming of all that destiny has written in your stars. Can you love as only the fool loves, laugh like only the jester laughs and risk being labelled as crazy for the insanity of your innocence? Can you push away the trivial so you produce the monumental? And make a mark that makes you immortal. In your own gentle and original way. This is what I seek to know. Can you be true. To you? -Robin Sharma

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